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Bhojpatra — Bhuta-shuddhi

The thin bark of the Himalayan birch (Betula utilis) has long been used in India instead of paper for writing sacred texts, as well as in tantric rituals. Nowadays, bhojpatra is usually used in yantra puja:  yantra is drawn on it with a special ink; it is believed that in this way the prepared yantra is energetically more powerful and resonates with a better with person than yantra on metal or ordinary paper. Bhojpatra is often used to make various amulets, kavachas.  → Подробнее...
one of the chakras, located in the head area below the sahaswrara chakra   → Подробнее...

Bhramari is one of the well-known pranayamas (also called bhramari-kumbhaka), which can be used both independently and as a practice leading to nadanusandhana.

The name of pranayama is associated with a sound similar to the buzzing of a bee, created during the practice. Mind and prana are gradually absorbed in this sound, fluctuations and worries disappear, consciousness is purified and revealed, as well as energy (shakti). Bhramari is also the Goddess name meaning this pranayama, like others, is related to awakening of Kundalini-shakti. This practice can also be referred to as laya-yoga because dissolution of mind takes place.

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"the way of service", "the way of the servant". 

One of the five ethical principles in Virashivaism and the tantric schools of Shaivism close to it. It consists in unselfish service to others through karma-yoga.

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psychoenergetic center located between eyebrows

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Yogic mudra, associated with the organ of perception – the nose, and accordingly with the element of the earth. Some teachers advise to focus attention on the tip of the nose when practicing mudra and stop prana and apana there (connecting prana and apana).

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Bhushundi Bhushundi
The legendary brahmin and the great yogi of the past, who reached the Supreme Reality. He is known for his deep devotion to Rama, according to one story, he was the first to write the “Ramayana”, before Rishi Valmiki and Tulsidas, according to another story, he wrote his own version of the “Ramayana”.  → Подробнее...
  1. The evil spirits, one of the lowest grades of demons. 
  2. The elements of the universe, of which there are five (panchabhuta): earth, water, fire, air, ether.
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practice of purifying the elements that make up the body  → Подробнее...

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