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Buddhi — Budha

part of antahkaran and is responsible for the ability to distinguish  → Подробнее...

Buddhism or Buddha-dharma is religion-philosophical teaching founded by Buddha Shakyamuni in ancient India around the VI century BC. The foundational dogma of teaching is the idea of changeability and impermanence of phenomenal existence. An ultimate goal is achieving nirvana or enlightenment. There are several well-known characteristics for almost all the directions and schools of buddhism considered to be the doctrine of interdependent origin (pretitya samutpada) and teaching of karma, acknowledgement of rebirth (samsara) and also rejection of a soul as selfness (anatma). Buddha himself formulated the basic principles in the form of “Four Noble Truths”.

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Budha (from Sanskrit बुध् — "to awaken, to become aware"), or Mercury, is one of the navagrahas – a naturally beneficial planet, rajasic in nature.  → Подробнее...

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