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A simple version of Gorakshanatha Puja
Puja can be performed as part of the daily sadhana besides japa mantra (Om Shiva Goraksha Yogi), which is received from the Guru in the form of initiation (diksha)
For puja need basic things. First, we must place the altar on the east or north, to put on it the Gorakshanath’s murti, his yantra or kalash (vessel, which can be placed above the coconut), or just Gorakshanath’s image. On special trays to put performed samagri, namely: incense, lamp, black thread (janeu), whistling (nadi), kundalas (earrings, which are wearing nathas), and saffron clothes (bhagava), the sacred powder (candan), rice (caval), flowers (phul), a few vessels with clean water, dry alcohol (camphor) and treats (naivedya).
First of all you must read dhyana meditating on Gorakshanath. Samagri should stand behind you or right. Then take a bell by left hand and emitting the sound of it to offer upacaras (offerings) by right hand. After reading each specific mantras associated with particular upacara you need to put an offering near the murti (yantra, etc.). At the end of puja should be read the prayer of Gorakshanatha (Goraksha-prarthana).
om maṁgalaṁ bhagavāna śambhu maṁgalaṁ jatī gorakṣa |
maṁjalaṁ matsyendra śiṣya maṁgalāya sarva rakṣakaḥ ||ॐ मंगलं भगवान शम्भु मंगलं जती गोरक्ष ।
मंजलं मत्स्येन्द्र शिष्य मंगलाय सर्व रक्षकः ॥OM. One who is having the blessing, happiness (Bhagavan), Blessed, referring to the good generation, Goraksha!
Blessed student of Matsendra, grantor of happiness and protecting all that exists!
Then put the asana (seat of Gorakshanath’s location): read asana-mantra to put a pinch of rice at a place where there are a murti or yantra.
om śambhujatī gorakṣaya namaḥ hṛdayātmane āsanam samarpayāmi |
ॐ शम्भुजती गोरक्षय नमः हृदयात्मने आसनम् समर्पयामि ।
OM. Greeting to Goraksha, who is belonging to the genus of Shambhu! Greeting to Atman, who is staying in the heart, offering the asana.
Next, perform the ablution of murti: sprinkling a little water on murti, offering a garment (vastra) to Gorakshanatha and the nadi-janeu with the mantra:
om śambhujatī gorakṣāya namaḥ vaṁ amṛtātmaka divya snāna vastraṁ ca nāda yajñapavita samarpayāmi |
ॐ शम्भुजती गोरक्षाय नमः वं अमृतात्मक दिव्य स्नान वस्त्रं च नाद यज्ञपवित समर्पयामि ।
OM. Greeting to Goraksha, who is belonging to the genus of Shambhu! vaṁ having the nature of amrita (the ambrosia): the divine bathing, clothing and sacred thread (nada), I am offering.
After that to put the sacred mark (tilak) by powder to Gorakshanatha, offering him flowers and leaves of bilva (or something like it available in your country) with the mantra:
om śambhujatī gorakṣāya namaḥ yaṁ vāyaṁvātmakaṁ candanaṁ bilvapatraṁ ca puṣpa samarpayāmi
ॐ शम्भुजती गोरक्षाय नमः यं वायंवात्मकं चन्दनं बिल्वपत्रं च पुष्प समर्पयामि ।
OM. Greeting to Goraksha, who is belonging to the genus of Shambhu! yaṁ, having the nature of the leader (who is pointing the way): the sacred powder (candan), leaf and flower of bilva I am offering.
Then offering incense (dhupa), a burning lamp (dipa) and lit camphor (kapur).
om śambhujatī gorakṣāya namaḥ raṁ tejātatvatmakaṁ dhūpaṁ dīpaṁ ca karpūra samarpayāmi ||
ॐ शम्भुजती गोरक्षाय नमः रं तेजातत्वत्मकं धूपं दीपं च कर्पूर समर्पयामि ॥
OM. Greeting to Goraksha, who is belonging to the genus of Shambhu! raṁ having the nature of radiant light: dhupa, dipa and camphor, I am offering!
The next offering is in the form of food, you can bring a bread cake (rota), milk and etc.:
om śambhujatī gorakṣāya namaḥ laṁ pṛthvivyātmakaṁ roṭa dugdha caṁ mukhavāsārthe tāmbulaṁ samarpayāmi |
ॐ शम्भुजती गोरक्षाय नमः लं पृथ्विव्यात्मकं रोट दुग्ध चं मुखवासार्थे ताम्बुलं समर्पयामि ॥
OM. Greeting to Goraksha, who is belonging to the genus of Shambhu! laṁ having the nature of the land: a rota (baked bread), milk, tambul, spicy and fragrant leaf of betel, I am offering!
At the end to tead the prayer of Gorakshanatha.
yaṁ vrata tejaḥ samuddiṣṭaṁ kathā pāpa haraṁ parama |
kathā śrī gorakṣa priyam sarva vrate pratiṣṭitam ||
tva caiva vratamayaṁ nātha kelpitāsi mayā kilaṁ |
sarva pāpāpaṁnodāya sukhāya bhava bhavāmi ||यं व्रत तेजः समुद्दिष्टं कथा पाप हरं परम ।
कथा श्री गोरक्ष प्रियम् सर्व व्रते प्रतिष्टितम् ॥
त्व चैव व्रतमयं नाथ केल्पितासि मया किलं ।
सर्व पापापंनोदाय सुखाय भव भवामि ॥A shine [arises] from such a firm intention, by reading this [text] the most severe sins are eliminating.
The worshipping of Sri Goraksha to grants a mercy (in all intent) for all the vratas.
The ritual to promote Natha-yogi to a great realization!
All the many sins are removed, and a state of happiness comes up!
In this stage puja is completed, by the end of it you can hand round the consecrated offerings in the form of prasad. You can also perform arati, or japa and other sadhanas, depending on what you practice.