
Abhijit Muhurta

Abhijit Muhurta

अभिजित्मुहूर्त, abhijit-muhūrta

The eighth muhurta of the light half of the day, divided in half by the true (astronomical) noon.*

Translated fr om Sanskrit अभिजित्, abhijit means "victorious".

It is believed that Abhijit-muhurta is able to neutralize, at least partially, unfavorable astrological factors – doshas – one can say that it has a cleansing, pure nature. Therefore, it can be used in cases wh ere timing is not possible according to all the rules, or for important daily activities, etc.

On Wednesdays, Abhijit Muhurta loses its power due to the intersection with Rahu-kala.

*True noon is not the same as 12:00 local time. It is determined by the formula "the duration of daylight hours (time of sunset minus time of sunrise) divided by two and added to the time of sunrise".
