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Yama and Niyama: brief review 01.11.2017 Yama and Niyama: brief review
Yama-Niyama are the principles of spiritual life, based on which yogi, practicing spiritual practices, becomes perfect. In other words, Yama-Niyama is the boat in which you are sitting, and spiritual practices are the oars, the motor and the map, which by the grace of Guru lead you in the right direction, thanks to your efforts. Without a boat, you are most likely to be eaten by sharks or will simply drown: the ocean of life consists not only of sunny moments. There are different variations of Yama-Niyama, but they are all alike. Read more>>
Tags: :  yoga sampradaya nathas
Author: Lakshminath

Kanda and its location 15.09.2017 Kanda and its location
Many Yogic texts mention a certain area called kanda, which means "bulb" or "root", from where all body’s nadis take a flow. But since the texts sometimes contain different information about the location of kanda, confusion may arise. The reason for the misunderstanding may be that the concept of kanda is associated with tantric symbols which is not explained in the texts in details. Read more>>
Tags: :  yoga tantra sadhana kanda
Author: Lakshminath

Master – disciple relations Master – disciple relations

I permit to myself some personal thoughts on the most important, in my opinion, relations, without which any spiritual practice is impossible. There is one general opinion – if you have Guru, you have nothing to worry about. But that is true only in case disciple is devoted to his Guru to such extent that he is absolutely convinced he will reach the desired aim with the help of Guru.

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Tags: :  guru sadhana basics
Author: Lakshminath