
Satsang in Tallin by Guru Yogi Matsyendranath. 5-6 January 2013

Satsang in Tallin by Guru Yogi Matsyendranath. 5-6 January 2013

Satsang in Tallin by Guru Yogi Matsyendranath. 5-6 January 2013

Satsang and transmissions of practices  by Guru Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj 5-6 January 2013


The main topic of satsang is "Kundalini Shakti and its role in achieving Mukti in the Nath Tradition". The theoretical basis of the tantric cults of Shrividya, Kubjika, Trika-darshana will be introduced. The guidelines of tantric yoga practices and methods of their realisation will be explained.

Satsang and transmissions will be held in Tallinn.

Registration contacts:

Tallinn: +372-55606194, 
Riga: +371-29217752, 

Location and price are specified.

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