- Pranayama workshop, Mar 1-7
- 21-day Pranayama challenge
- Nāda meditation workshop, January 8-12
- April 3, Navaratri with Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj, Australia, Queensland
- March 17, 2020. Purifiying Pranayama With Yogi Matsyendra Nath
- November 2019, Tantra Workshop Series in Argentina
- Workshop in Gualeguaychu
- 17-18 November 2018, Yogi Matsyendranath in Źarate (Argentina)
- 15-16 November 2018, Yogi Matsyendranath visit to Uruguay
- 12 Nov 2018, Lecture at USAL (Salvador University)
- 10-11 November 2018, Workshops in Quilmes and La Plata (Argentina)
- 8 November 2018, Open conference in Necochea (Argentina)
- 2,3,4 November 2018 - Participating in XVI Retreat International of Yoga and Meditation
- Programme in Québec (Canada) 13-16 June
- Melbourne Book Launch
- 4-years Summer Program
- Biography of a Russian Yogi
- November 2017, Visit of Yogi Matsyendranath to Argentina
- Satsangs of Yogi Matsyendranatha Maharaj in Berlin
- Seminars and trainings in June-July 2015 (France)
सद्गुरु महिमा sadguru mahimā
Greatness of True Guru
Translated from Hindi by Guru Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj
सत नमो आदेश । गुरु जी को आदेश । ॐ गुरु जी ।
ॐ सतगुरु मिलिया तीन लोकां आधारा । अनन्तकोट ब्रह्माण्ड परमहंस अवतारा । निर्मल ज्योत सतगुरु माही आत्मानन्द अपरंपारा । गुरु गुरु माही सब सृष्टि भयी पुकारा, सतगुरु ज्ञानी सब जगत को उद्धारा । विनाशा बिन शुद्ध मिटाया । क सतगुरु अरु पुराण योग अधू सुन
ॐ अगम निगम-सतगुरु भेद सब जानो । परमात्म अवतार गुरुदेव को ही मानो । सुन बा अवधू सतगुरु मिलिया । सतगुरु किरपा माया जंजाल विनाशा । अवधू महाज्ञान, ब्रह्मज्ञान को पाया । सतगुरु सत् झूठ पारखी परमहंसा । ऐसा सतगुरु दया क्षमा सन्तोष भव मुक्ता । ऐसा सतगुरु सुगति, कुगति को मारग दर्शा । ऐसा सतगुरु जप तप योगी व्यवहारा । ऐसा सतगुरु नियम धर्म संयम आचारा । ऐसा सतगुरु शरण चरण में धाम ठहराया । अवधू ऐसा सतगुरु मिलिया । काया गढ़े जीते कोई बिरला । ज्ञान विचार षड दर्शन करीबा । जीव शिव को एकी कीन्हा । शबद ब्रह्म का भेद बताया । अनहद नाद सहजै बाजा । जीव ईश की ग्रन्थी को खोल्या । घट के भीतरी ब्रह्माण्ड बोल्या । सतगुरु मिलिया, त्रिकुट महल में ज्योत प्रगटाया । नवकोट दस द्वारा खोल्या । गगन मण्डल पवन को बांध्या, गंगा, जमना, सारस्वत स्नान कराया । सतगुरु योगे भव रोग ना व्यापा । ऐसा सतगुरु अखण्ड शिवपुरी का वासा । सुनबा अवधूत भ्रमर गुफा जहां गोरख दिठा । तहां सतगुरु परसाद परमपद को पाया ।
सुन बा अवधू-सतगुरु पूता । खोजत-खोजत सतगुरु मिलिया । तन, मन, धन सब अर्पण करीबा । भक्ति भाव सतगुरु प्रीत अनुरागा । निराश झोली माही त्रिलोक भिक्षा । सुबह शाम सतगुरु पद आदेश करीबा । विधि विधि सतगुरु शरण में रहिबा । नित-नित सतगुरु सेवत रहिबा । सद्गुरु धर्म सत सत भाखीबा । सतगुरु बानी शबद सुमिरण करीबा। चारो धाम अरु त्रिवेणी नहावा काशी गंगा सतगुरु धामा । सतगुरु आसरे अवधू रहना, चरण शरण में ईश्वर मिलीया । सतगुरु दरश लिपे न पाप न पुण्य । सतगुरु बिन कोय भये मुक्त | सतगुरु बिन भ्रमे भरमाया। सतगुरु बिन अज्ञान ना विनाशा । सतगुरु बिन ना आत्म प्रकाशा । सतगुरु बिन जोग अधूरा । सतगुरु बिन शुद्ध ना काया । सद्गुरु बिन ज्ञान का थोटा । सतगुरु बिन न संशय मिटाया । सतगुरु बिन भूत प्रेत ना टाल्या । सतगुरु बिन अमर ना काया । सतगुरु कारण निश्चय करीबा । सतगुरु किरपा ना दुर्लभ खोया । वेद शास्त्र अरु पुराण पढ़िया । मन संतुष्टी बिना सतगुरु किरपा | सतगुरु बिन योगी योग अधूरा ।
सुन बा अवधू सतगुरु माही । परम-पद-पद-सतगुरु मावली । साध सन्त सन्यास बैरागी । तपसी त्यागी ध्यानी अरु ज्ञानी । नाथ सिद्ध अनन्त कोटी, सब कोई सद्गुरु शरण में आयी । ताते जगत में श्रेष्ठ कहाई । नारद शारद यक्ष किंकर ब्रह्मा विष्णु रुद्रदेव देवत्या, इन्द्र चन्द्र सूर तारा मण्डली । यह सब ही सतगुरु की परम उपासी । शेष सहस्र मुख गुरु गुणकों गायी । बिन्दु सिन्धु सतगुरु पार न पायी । बिन्द-बिन्द जल थल पाताल गगनी । सतगुरु सुगन्धी अपरम्पार सुवासी । अनन्त कल्प अनन्त ब्रह्माण्ड अरु तीन लोकी । सतगुरु बिन रहया अधूरी ।
सुन बा अवधू धर्म की साखी । सत सत सतगुरां की महिमा भाखी ।
जप, तप, विद्या भया अभिमान्या । चरण में लक्ष्मी सम्पत्ति नाना । जो सतगुरु शरण में कछु नहीं आया । सो नरक भोग अरु दुःख को पाया । जो कोई सतगुरु निन्दा करी बापूडा । सो सहस्र कल्प नरक को पाया । सतगुरु निन्दा सूनी-सूनी काना । नीच योनी पशु जनम को पाया । जो सतगुरु अहंकार हृदयी को धार्या । अविचार मूढ मती विवाद समाया । जो सतगुरु सहवास को त्यागा । अती दीन भया, दरिद्र को पाया । जो सतगुरु बानी तानी तोड़या । सों जनम-जनम मती भरमाया ।
सुन बा अवधू सतगुरु पूता । सद्गुरु दर्श बिनु कबहु ना रहना । सतगुरु संगी, सदा सम छाया । सतगुरु चरण में शीश नमाया । सतगुरु सम्मुख नाद बजाया अति नम्र आदेश करीबा । पाव पसारी ना बैठूं अवधूता, पदमासन बैठु दृढ़ मन करीबा । सम्मुख होके ना गमन करीबा । छाया सतगुरु कबहू पाव ना रखीबा । सम्मुख होके नंगा सर (नंगा तन) कबहू ना रहिबा । सुन बा अवधू, गुप्त बात कछु ना रखीबा । छल कपट ना मिथ्या रहीबा | सतगुरु शबद शबद को सत सत राखीबा। सम्मुख सतगुरु अवर्तन ना करीबा | संकोच विचार कछु ना करीबा । वेद मन्त्र और पण्डिता व्यर्थ ना भखीबा | सतगुरु अवधू परमात्म स्वरुप को जानिबा । त्रिलोक भिष्या कछु पावै सन्तोषा । सतगुरु माही अर्पण करीबा । सतगुरु माही प्रीति भोजन करीबा | सोवत-सतगुरु पद कमल को सेवबा ।
सुन बा अवधू सतगुरु मिलिया नाथन के, श्री नाथ । ऋद्धि सिद्धि वरदायक सबहू सतगुरु के साथ । सतगुरु जी का आदेश जो रखिबा लाज । चिन्ता दोष सन्ताप भयै विनाश ।
Reverence for the Supreme being, let there be his fullness! Let there be Guru’s grace! Reverence to the Guru!
I have found the True Guru who is the foundation of the three worlds. He is the embodiment of innumerable universes and he is Paramahamsa. The True Guru is a pure, untainted light; with his bliss, he awakens the inner bliss (of the disciple). Always, whenever any of all the creations of the world turn to him, Sadguru will point to the right path.
By the grace of the True Guru, the knowledge of the Agamas and Nigamas is revealed. The True Guru is an avatar (incarnation) of Paramatma (Supreme soul). O avadhu (disciples), listen! I have found the True Guru. By the grace of Sadguru, the limitations of Maya are removed. O avadhu (disciples), Guru reveals great knowledge, the knowledge of Brahman. True Guru is the great swan (Paramahamsa) who easily distinguishes true from false. Such a True Guru is the embodiment of mercy, tolerance, contentment, and freedom from the created world. Such a True Guru shows the true path, leading away from the false one. Such a True Guru is the symbol of japa, tapasya and the yogic way of life. Such a True Guru by his actions demonstrates dharma (righteousness), niyama (prescriptions for sadhana), samyama (self-control). At the feet of such a True Guru is a spiritual refuge. A disciple from such a True Guru can receive something that is very difficult to obtain. He knows six darshanas (six philosophical doctrines). He connects Jiva (living being, i.e. the disciple) with Shiva. He directs to the comprehension of Shabda Brahman (manifestation of God in the form of sacred speech). "Through him" it is possible to hear the vibration of the sound of anahad (boundless sound). He reveals the secret of the embodied being and Ishvara (the transcendent lord of the manifested world). He opens the vision of the entire universe in a single body. Through the meeting of the True Guru, pure light in the trikuta (between ajna and sahasrara) is revealed. He reveals the knowledge about the nine and about the tenth opening. He controls the vital forces in the gagana-mandala (head region), performing snana (ablution) in the Ganges, Yamuna and Sarasvati (the rivers come from heaven, therefore here is a connection with the gagana-mandala). Through the practice of yoga from the True Guru, diseases retreat. Such a Sadguru lives in the eternal abode of Shiva. O disciple "avadhu", listen, in the bhramara-gufa ("bee cave" in the head area) is Gorakshanath, there is the mercy of the True Guru, there is the highest state.
O avadhu (disciples), listen to the True Guru. Through great efforts you will find the True Guru. Before him, you must offer your body, mind, material wealth. One should offer one's devotion to the True Guru for his blessing. In the empty jholi (sadhu's bag) one can receive gifts from all three worlds. One should follow the instruction of "Adesh" of the True Guru in the morning and in the evening (i.e. always). I must always be in the shelter of the True Guru. It is necessary to devote all your service to the True Guru. This Sadguru will teach you the Highest dharma. It is necessary to repeat the speech (bani) of the True Guru. Through doing this, the student receives the fruits of visiting the four dhamas (amnayas in the form of mathas in the four parts of India) and bathing in triveni (the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and Sarasvati rivers). O avadhu, follow the True Guru! Seeking refuge in his feet, you will find Ishvara. Seeing the True Guru, you are freed from the limitations of sinful suffering ("papa") and of perfect deeds (“punya") becoming transcendental. No one can be liberated without the blessing of the True Guru. Without the True Guru, no one can escape illusion. Without the True Guru there is no destruction of ignorance. Without the True Guru, there is no radiance of the Atman. Without the True Guru there can be no proper yoga. There can be no purification of the body, there can be no acquisition of knowledge without the True Guru. Without the True Guru, there can be no protection from the influence of lower spirits. No one can achieve immortality without the blessing of the True Guru. We must not forget the True Guru. One needs to study Vedas and Puranas. But there will be no inner contentment of the soul without the grace of the True Guru. Yoga will not be complete without Sadguru.
Listen, disciples, to the True Master. This True Guru is the seer of the Supreme State. Hear, o sannyasis and vairagas, tapasvis and tyagas, dhyanis and jnanis. Every natha, siddha and others like them take refuge in the True Guru. These people are the best in the whole universe. Be it Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Indra, and other gods, people, yakshas, kinkars, Chandra, Surya, stars, they are all devoted to the True Guru. The snake Shesha with his thousand mouths sings of Sadguru. Without the True Guru, no one can be beyond the mundane reality. The descent of nectar from the True Guru bestows liberation. No one can comprehend the mystery within all kalpas, the infinite universe, the three worlds, without the help of the True Guru.
O disciples, listen to the words about the proper path. By the grace of the True Guru – great gains. From the practice of tapas (asceticism), japa and methods of acquiring knowledge, pride can increase. As long as a person does not abandon the worship of wealth and does not follow the True Guru, he moves to Naraka (Hell) and will suffer. Anyone who speaks negatively about the True Guru goes to Hell and will suffer there for a thousand kalpas. The one who listens only to his own (and not to the Guru) will be born an animal (in the next life). The one who does not keep the True Guru in his heart, he engages himself in evil. Anyone who does not listen to the teaching of the True Guru will not be successful in meditation and will return to be reborn in this world.
O disciples, listen to the instruction of the True Guru. I will become a reflection of my Sadguru and follow him. Bow your heads at his feet, be close to him, follow his instructions, then success awaits you. Don't stretch your legs towards Him when you sit, let your mind be under control. Never step on the shadow of the Sadguru, do not appear before Him without clothes. Never hide anything before Him, there should be no deceit or fraud in your mind when you go to the Teacher. Everything the Sadguru says – always keep in your heart. There is no need to follow the prayers of the Vedas and the pandits, but one must follow what Sadguru says. O sages, meditate on the Great Master as the Almighty. Give yourself completely into His hands, He should become your best friend. Even at the time of sleep one should render service to the lotus feet of the True Guru.
O disciples, listen! We have found the Great Teacher of teachers, Shrinath! Everything that gives prosperity is found in the company of the Sadguru. Follow His instructions and this will destroy any disturbances and enslavements of this world.