Семинар Йоги Алламанатха в Минске
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Nathas Prayer
Traditionally, after main worship (some sadhakas revere not only Gorakshanath, but also their personal Devatas), a prayer is recited, dedicated to the essentials of the Natha Tradition. It is a prayer to the Tradition as such, known to all Nathas, chanted frequently, regardless of what stream (Panth) of the Tradition they belong to. I have translated it for my disciples and followers, as well as anyone inspired by yoga. This mantra can be recited, chanted, or read mentally, after puja, arati or any other practice.
gaṁge hara narmade hara jaṭā śaṇkara hara oṁ namo pārvatīpataye hara boliye śrī śambhujatī guru gorakṣanātha jī mahārāja kī jaya | māyā svarūpī dādā matsyendranātha jī mahārāja kī jaya | navanātha caurāsī siddhoṁ kī jaya | bheśa bhagavān kī jaya | aṭala kṣetra kī jaya | ramateśvara mahārāja kī jaya | kadalī kāla bhairavanātha jī maharaja kī jaya | pātra devatā bhagavān kī jaya | jvālā mahāmāī kī jaya | sanātana dharma kī jaya | apane apane guru mahārāja kī jaya | gau brāhmaṇa kī jaya | bola sānce darabāra ki jaya | hara hara mahādeva kī jaya | hari oṁ ||
I pay homage to the Ganga and Narmada rivers. Praise to Shiva’s curly hair! Glory to Him, who is Parvati’s husband! Praise to Shri Shambhujati Guru Gorakshanathaji Maharaj! Praise to Mayasvarupa Dada‐guru Matsyendranathji Maharaj! Praise to the Nine Nathas and the Eighty‐four Siddhas. Praise to the other Gods as well! Praise to Atalkshetra (the land which can’t be overstepped) and the Gods who live there (Ramateshvara). Praise to Kadali Kala Bhairavanatha (one of the wrathful tantric manifestations of Shiva). Praise to the honorable Lord! Praise to Jvala Mahamaya! Praise to Sanatana dharma! Praise to our Guru Maharaj! Praise to cows and brahmans! Praise to Sanche Darabara (Almighty King)! Honor to Great Shiva Mahadev!
karpūra gauraṁ karuṇāvatāraṁ saṁsārasāraṁ bhujagendrahāram | sadā vasantaṁ hṛdayāravinde bhavaṁ bhavānī sahitaṁ namāmi || mandāramālā kalinātha kāyai kapālamālo kitakantharāya | namaḥ śivāya ca namaḥ śivāya namaḥ śivāya ca namaḥ śivāya ||
Who is shining like camphor, who is the embodiment of compassion, who is possessing the realization of things as they are, who is adorned with a garland of snakes, and who eternally abides in the lotus heart, I prostrate before You and your wife Parvati. Homage to Kalinath who wears a mandara (coral tree) garland. Also to Kantkhar (Ganeshanath) who wears a garland of skulls around his neck. I admire Lord Shiva! I adore the glorious Lord Shiva!
gorakṣabālaṁ guruśiṣyapālam śeṣaṁ himālayaṁ śaśīkhaṇḍabhālam | kālasya kālaṁ jitajanmajālam vande jaṭālaṁ jagadabjanālam ||
Homage to the eternal Goraksha, who protects disciples and teachers, whose abode is in the Himalayas, who is adorned with a garland of snakes and with crescent moon on his head. ToHim, who is death to death itself, the victor of the cycles of births and deaths, he who wears matted hair and the source of the Creation, I prostrate.
gurur brahmā gurur viṣṇur gurur devo maheśvaraḥ | guru sākṣātparaṁ brahma tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || dhyānamūlaṁ gurormūrtiḥ pūjāmūlaṁ gurupadam | mantramūlaṁ guruvākyaṁ mokṣamūlaṁ gurukṛpā || mantra satyaṁ pūjā satyaṁ satyaṁ devaṁ nirañjanam | guru vākyaṁ sadā satyaṁ satyamekaṁ paraṁ padam ||
The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is Lord Maheshvara. The Guru is the supreme Divinity; we bow down in reverence to the Guru. The Guru’s appearance is the support for meditation; support for reverence is the Guru’s feet; the Guru’s speech is mantra like. The Guru’s grace grants moksha. The Mantra is Truth, the Puja is Truth, the true Deity is Niranjan (purest). The Guru’s speech is eternally truthful, the supreme adobe.
tvameva mātā ca pitā tvameva tvameva bandhuśca sakhā tvameva | tvameva vidyā draviṇaṁ tvameva | tvameva sarvaṁ mama deva deva ||
You are mother and You are father, You are friend and You are brother. You are knowledge and you are wealth. You are eternally God of all Gods to me.
ākāśāya tāḍakā liṅgaṁ pātāle vaṭukeśvaram | mṛtyuloke mahākālaṁ sarvaliṅgaṁ namo'stu te || śelī śṛṅgī śirajaṭā jholī bhagavāṁ bheṣa || kānana kuṇḍala bhasma lasaiṁ śivagorakṣa ādeś || oṁkār terā ādhār tīn lok meṁ jay – jay kāra | nāda bāje kāl bhāge jñān kī ṭopī gorakha sāje || gale nāda puṣpan kī mālā rakṣā kare śrī | śambhujatī guru gorakṣanātha jī mahārāj bālā || cār khāṇī cār vāṇī candra sūrya pavan pāṇī | eko devā sarvatra sevā jot pāṭa le paramo devā || kānana kuṇḍala gale nāda karo siddho nādoṁkāra | siddhoṁ guruvaroṁ ko ādeś | ādeś | ādeś ||
In heaven is located the liberating Taraka lingam, underground — the Vatukeshvara lingam, and the Mahalingam ‐ on the ground. I pay homage to these lingams. We revere Shiva Goraksha who wears jholi (sadhu’s bag) and earrings, the one whose hair is matted and whose body is covered with the sacred ashes. Omkara is the essence. You are worshiped in the three lokas (worlds). When the Nada resonates, even death goes away. Gorakshanath is the seer of wisdom. Flower garlands, reverberating the Nada, appear on Him. Save us, Shambhujati Guru Shri Goraksha! Four languages and four dialects: moon, sun, air, water – is the Absolute, we adore. Oh Lord, enlighten the entire world with your grace. The Nada moves through You, You wear earrings. Oh Lord, make us genuine practitioners, we bow down to You.
Thy will be done.