Tās ir mūžzaļa platlapu koka sēklas, ko izmanto Indijā, Nepālā un citās Austrumāzijas valstīs, malu - mantras skaitīšanas (džapas) kreļļu izgatavošanai.
(Sanskritā रूद्राक्ष – “Rudras acis”)
1)Tās ir mūžzaļa platlapu koka sēklas, ko izmanto Indijā, Nepālā un citās Austrumāzijas valstīs, malu - mantras skaitīšanas (džapas) kreļļu izgatavošanai.
2) Skaitāmkrellēs mantru skaitīšanas praksei. Notiektu malu lietošanai ir nootiekta jēga un nozīme.Malas no rudrakšas sēklām pamatā tiek izmantotas džapai. Parasti Šivas pielūdzēji (šaivas) valkā rudrakšas malas ap kaklu vai nēsā speciālā maisiņā. Parasti sēklas malā ir 108. bet mēdz būt arī ar mažaku skaitu, piemēram 54 vai 18.Sēklas izmantoveikto mantras atkārtojuma skaita noteikšanai. Rudrakšas sēklas jogijiem ir nozīmīgas vairāku iemeslu dēļ. Vārds "rudrakša" nozīmē "Rudras (Šivas) acis" un reprezentē Šivas transedentā redzējuma trešo aci. Sēklām ir sadaļas-rievojums, vai "sejas". Izplatītākais ir ar 5 daļām - 5 seju (panca mukha). Pieņemts ka 108 rudrakšas sēklu mala pārstāv Šivas dažādo manifestāciju uz Zemes secību. Dažas sēklas var būt ar līdz 14 daļām. “Chandrajnana agaam” apraksta dažāda skaita seju rudrakšu malu valkāšanas rezultātu.Rudrakšas sēklas tiek izmantotas arī kā ziedojums pudžās.
Dažādos gadījumos tantrisko mantu praksē izmanto arī cita materiāla malas (akmens vai korala, piemēram). Sekojošo mantru lasa,kad uzvelkat malas dienas sākumā. Mantra tāpat arī attīra malas.
rudrākṣ mantra
sat namo ādeś | gurujī ko ādeś | oṁ guru jī | mukhe brahmā madhye viṣṇu liṅg nām maheśvar sarvadev namaskāraṁ rudrākṣāya namo namaḥ | gagan maṇḍal me dhundhukārā pātāl nirañjan nirākār | nirākār me carṇ pādukā carṇ pādukā me piṇḍi piṇḍi me vāsuk vāsuk me kāsuk-kāsuk me kūrm-kūrm me marī-marī me nāgphaṇī alaṣ puruṣ ne bail ke sīṅg par rāī ṭhahrāī | dhīraj dharm kī dhūnī jamāī vahaṁ par rudrākṣ sumer parvat par jamāje usme se phūṭe chah ḍālī ek gayā pūrv ek gayā dakṣiṇ ek gayā paścim ek gayā uttar ek gayā ākāś ek gayā pātāl usme lāgyā ek mukhī rudrākṣ | śrī rudra par carhāye | śrī oṁkār ādināth jī ko |
(neck) do mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye candra sūrya ko |
(head) tīn mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye tīn lolo ko |
(right hand) caturmukhī rudrākṣ carhāye cār vedoṁ ko |
(forehead) pañc mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye pāñc pāṇḍavoṁ ko bā bhujā |
(left hand) chaih mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye ṣaṭ darśan ko |
(throat) sāt mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye saptaṛṣi sapt samudro ko |
(right palm) aṣṭ mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye aṣṭ kulī nāgo ko |
(asana) nav mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye navanātho ko |
(heart) daś mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye | daś avatāro ko |
(right hand) gyārah mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye gyārah rudra ko |
(jata) dvādaś mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye sūrya bārahapaṇth ko |
(heart) terah mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye taimtīs koṭi devatā ko |
(rigth palm) caudah mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye caud bhuvan caudah ratan ko |
(asana) pandrah mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye pandrah tithio ko |
(left hand) solah mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye solah śrīṅgār ko |
(ground under the asana) satrah mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye śrī sītā mātā ko |
(ground under the asana) aṭhārah mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye aṭhārah bhār vanaspatiyo ko aṭhārah purāṇ ko|
(left palm) unnīs mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye alaṣ puruṣ ko |
(threat) bīs mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye viṣṇu bhagavān ko |
(left palm) ikkīs mukhī rudrākṣ carhāye ikkīs brahmāṇḍ ko |
(jata) niramukhī rudrākṣ carhāye nirākār ko |
(neck) itnā rudrākṣ mantr sampūrṇ bhaya | nirañjan śrī śambhujatī guru gorakṣanāth jī ko | śrī nāth jī ko caraṇ kamal me ādeś | ādeś |
itnā rudrākṣ mantr sampūrṇ bhayā | śrī nāth jī guru jī ko ādeś | ādeś ||
Adesh to the Holy Name! Adesh to Guruji! Om Guruj! Greetings to rudraksha, greetings to Brahma who is in the head, greetings to Vishnu who is in the middle of body, and to Maheshvara whose form is the Linga! Greetings to all Deities! In the gagana-mandala, in the sound of Nada all the worlds unite, from the patala to the purest and formless. There are Guru-padukas in the formless, there is Shiva-linga in the Guru-padukas, there is snake Vasuki in the Shiva-linga, there is the avatar of Kasuki in the Vasuki, there is Kurma (the turtle) in Kasuki, there is the death in Kurma and there is Nagpani in the death. Boundless Purusha appears in the sound of curved bull’s horn. The rudraksha that has been standing near the dhuna with fearlessness, is staying on the Sumeru mountain and splits in the all six directions: to the east, to the south, to the west, to the north, in the heaven and in the patala; and it unites in one-faced rudraksha. I offer it to Shri Rudra! To Omkar Adinath!
(touching the neck) I offer the two-faced rudraksha to Chandra and Surya,
(touching the head) I offer the three-faced rudraksha to the three worlds,
(touching the right hand) I offer the four-faced rudraksha to the four Vedas,
(touching the forehead) I offer the five-faced rudraksha to the five Pandava brothers,
(touching the left hand) I offer the six-faced rudraksha to the six darshanas (doctrines),
(touching the throat) I offer the seven-faced rudraksha to the seven sacred rivers and to the seven Rishis,
(touching the right palm) I offer the eight-faced rudraksha to the eight Nagas,
(touching the asana) I offer the nine-faced rudraksha to the Navanathas,
(touching the region of heart) I offer the ten-faced rudraksha to the ten Avataras,
(touching the right hand) I offer the 11-faced rudraksha to eleven Rudras!
(touching the jata) I offer the 12-faced rudraksha to 12 panthas,
(touching the heart) I offer 13-faced rudraksha to 33 millions of Deities,
(touching the right palm) I offer the 14-faced rudraksha to the 14 worlds and to the 14 jewels,
(touching the asana) I offer the 15-faced rudraksha to the 15 tithas,
(touching the left hand) I offer the 16-faced rudraksha to the 16 adornments (shringars),
(touching the ground under asana) I offer the 17-faced rudraksha to Shri Sita Goddess,
(touching the ground under asana) I offer the 18-faced rudraksha to the 18 sort of plants and the 18 Puranas,
(touching the left palm) I offer the 19-faced rudraksha to Eternal Purusha,
(touching the throat) I offer the 20-faced rudraksha to Bhagavan Vishnu,
(touching the left palm) I offer the 21-faced rudraksha to the 21 Universes (Brahmandas),
(touching the jata) I offer the faceless rudraksha to the Nonattributable Reality,
(touching the neck) such is the rudraksha- mantra. Greetings to purest Shri Shambhujati Guru Gorakshanath! Adesh, adesh to the lotus foot of Shri Natha! This way rudraksha-mantra is completed. Shri Nathaji Guruji adesh! Adesh!
Mantra no Yogi Vilasnatha Maharadža grāmatas "Sri Natha Rahasya"